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A/B testing library for Java/Kotlin/Android

cadabra-core / com.fo2rist.cadabra / Resolver


interface Resolver<V : Variant>

Resolves the experiment by giving single Variant among available.


variant Get variant to be used now. Note that Cadabra calls this method every time variant resolution is required, so if the same variant should be provided for particular user/session/etc. make sure either cache it in the app and don’t ask twice or implement receiver in a way it takes care of that. It’s recommended to keep the app code free from the experiment-related code so caching inside he receiver is preferred.abstract val variant: V


RandomResolver Resolver that picks random variant every time asked. Can be useful for testing.class RandomResolver<V : Variant> : Resolver<V>
StaticResolver Resolver that returns the same variant one constructed. Can be useful when the variant is defined for the lifetime of the app or for testing.class StaticResolver<V : Variant> : Resolver<V>