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A/B testing library for Java/Kotlin/Android

cadabra-firebase / com.fo2rist.cadabra.firebase / FirebaseConfigProvider


class FirebaseConfigProvider

ExperimentsConfigProvider that starts experiments automatically by Firebase Remote Config. Supports two ways for providing config.

  1. On the root level. In that case all keys in Firebase that match names of registered experiments will be interpreted as experiments to be activated and respective values as experiment Variants to activate. E.g. For experiment SomeTest with variants A, B the remote config should have a key SomeTest with value either A or B.

  2. As nested Json. In that case will looks for the specified key name in remote config and parse it as Json with a single object with key:values pairs via


<init> Create Firebase Config Provider. Be default provider automatically fetches the default config and initiates the remote config loading. If the automatic fetching is turned off or the remote config was updated startExperimentFromRemoteConfig triggers re-loading.FirebaseConfigProvider(fetchAutomatically: Boolean = true, useDefaults: Boolean = true, rootElementKey: String? = null)


onAttached fun onAttached(): Unit
startExperimentFromRemoteConfig Apply current active remote startExperimentFromRemoteConfig(): Unit