cadabra-core / com.fo2rist.cadabra / ExperimentsConfigProvider
abstract class ExperimentsConfigProvider
Provider of ExperimentsConfig that may configure experiments asynchronously. Can be used if the experiment config not know in advance or takes a lot of time to load. Extend this class and provide instance to CadabraConfig.startExperimentsAsync. Once the config is ready call provideConfig.
<init> | Provider of ExperimentsConfig that may configure experiments asynchronously. Can be used if the experiment config not know in advance or takes a lot of time to load. Extend this class and provide instance to CadabraConfig.startExperimentsAsync. Once the config is ready call provideConfig.ExperimentsConfigProvider() |
onAttached | Override this function to get notified when provider is attached to Cadabra. By default does nothing. Note that Cadabra may call this method synchronously when CadabraConfig.startExperimentsAsync is fun onAttached(): Unit |
provideConfig | Tell Cadabra that updated config is available. Can be called multiple provideConfig(config: ExperimentsConfig ): Unit |