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A/B testing library for Java/Kotlin/Android

cadabra-core / com.fo2rist.cadabra / ExperimentsConfigProvider


abstract class ExperimentsConfigProvider

Provider of ExperimentsConfig that may configure experiments asynchronously. Can be used if the experiment config not know in advance or takes a lot of time to load. Extend this class and provide instance to CadabraConfig.startExperimentsAsync. Once the config is ready call provideConfig.


<init> Provider of ExperimentsConfig that may configure experiments asynchronously. Can be used if the experiment config not know in advance or takes a lot of time to load. Extend this class and provide instance to CadabraConfig.startExperimentsAsync. Once the config is ready call provideConfig.ExperimentsConfigProvider()


onAttached Override this function to get notified when provider is attached to Cadabra. By default does nothing. Note that Cadabra may call this method synchronously when CadabraConfig.startExperimentsAsync is fun onAttached(): Unit
provideConfig Tell Cadabra that updated config is available. Can be called multiple provideConfig(config: ExperimentsConfig): Unit